
  • Stillness

    Inch by Inch

    Some days are easier than others. We move about with a smoothness and ease that we can almost forget the difficulties of yesterday. In moments like these we can feel as though we can take on the world. Ten more loads of laundry? No problem. Need me to run 137 errands? No sweat. Double up my job responsibilities. Why not? Have five more kiddos? Sure, God BRING IT ON! Then there are days where simply getting through feels like rubbing your entire self against sandpaper. We feel the heavy weight of all there is left to be done and remaining on our never-ending checklists in the coming minutes, days, weeks…

  • Stillness

    Upward Trend

    Maybe you’ve started putting it together by now, but I am anything but a polished, smooth sailing, always joyful, peaceful hearted woman.  My little tiny spark for our Lord, that was planted by the seeds of faith my family sowed, has turned into a roaring fire ablaze for Him. Yet, somehow even ten years after my deeper conversion into the faith I already had, I still don’t come close to the woman I desire and am called to be. I do ALL THE THINGS… I read all the books…. I listen to all the podcasts… I attend Mass weekly… I frequent the confessional box… I run a Bible study at…

  • Stillness

    The Holes of my “No’s”

    “Mommy, will you play with me?” “Can you please snuggle longer?” “Momma, watch what I can do!” So sweet and cute are these repeated requests from the little mouths of the ones I get to call mine (though to be honest, they are only on loan to me from God). So why do these words often feel painful, burdensome, and dare I say annoying? Even writing this I am baffled with how ridiculous it is that such tender, loved filled words would be anything but delightful to my ears. I knew that when I chose to stay home and homeschool I wouldn’t have a 3 minute bathroom break uninterrupted for…

  • Stillness

    Two Simple Words I’ve Always Overlooked

    You’ve probably all heard it, reflected on it, or maybe have simply seen it written in black script letters on a cute little shiplap sign on the clearance rack in the back of your local HomeGoods store. “Be still and know that I am God” Psalms 46:10. My whole life I’ve heard these words and seen them written– “Be still and KNOW THAT I AM GOD” –as a reminder to know that God was, is and always will be. It felt like a more explicit version of Exodus 3:14 where Moses asked God for whom he should tell the Israelites that he was and God righteously and boldly answered “ I am”…